Justine - 0491463216
Please be aware I am away on maternity leave and not running any classes at the moment!

$199 for 16 Classes
EVOLVE, 76 Shute Harbour Rd, Cannonvale, 4802
Starting 15th January 2024
Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri
Choose your time squad: 5:30am or 6:30am
Make a 4 week commitment to improving your health and wellbeing
Find out what Pilates, Mobility, Breathwork and Meditation practices can do to help you feel great
Affordable - only $12.50 per class
16 x 45 minute classes to inspire positive change
Fully Body Pilates - Core Sculpt - Beach Peach - Mobility and Meditation
All equipment provided - suitable for beginners to intermediate level
Free parking at Evolve
Clothing: Comfortable activewear and grippy socks (socks are optional)
You must stick to your chosen time slot for each day - so choose wisely :)
After the 12th January 2024, no refunds will be provided so be 100% when you sign up that you can attend.
If you have health concerns please check with your doctor before signing up - although Pilates is a low impact activity and I can provide modifications to a degree, you will need to be able to hold a kneeling position, sitting cross legged (ok to be on a cushion), all 4's (on knees and wrists), Side lying (hips and shoulder) and lying on your back.
I am really looking forward to kicking of 2024 with you all. The choice of classes is designed to leave you feeling good in your mind and your body but more importantly is RESULTS FOCUSSED. Commit to the 4 weeks and come and see the change you can make for yourself. There is nothing more that I enjoy hearing than my clients telling me the changes they can feel in their body. If you would like to find out a bit more about me, the best thing to do is read the Google Reviews from this last year as that is the most unbiased opinion I can provide you with ;) Otherwise have a look around the website.
If you have any questions at all, please send me a message. If it is a health related concern, I am always going to recommend that you see a doctor as I am not a medical professional and can only provide exercise modifications based on medical diagnosis.
If you would like to book a 1-1 session before signing up then I offer these for $60, otherwise I run plenty of other classes (although reduced over Christmas) that you can come to for $20.
