Justine - 0491463216
Please be aware I am away on maternity leave and not running any classes at the moment!
Beach Peach Pilates & Deep Hip Stretch
45 mins of Booty Burning, 15 mins of deep stretch holds
Service Description
So many of my Pilates clients absolutely love the booty burn so here I am with a Beach Peach class to get excited about. Come and join me for 45 minute Glute focussed workouts - using Pilates exercises and a combination of equipment like the booty bands and small ball. Finishing off each class with 15 minutes of deep, satisfying stretch holds to allow for emotional and physical release through your hips. These classes aim to grow the glutes without growing the legs - the burn will be REAL! So what is going to be involved in the workouts? - Dynamic hip opening exercises to increase range of movement and strength potential whilst reducing hip tightness - Glute activation - get the glutes fired up ready for maximum engagement - Pilates style Workouts designed to target glute max, medius and minimus for a well rounded, high performance booty - Booty bands, small ball, magic circle to add extra intensity and creativity - A focus on alignment, progressive overload and deeply satisfying booty burn This is the perfect challenge to run alongside your normal gym/exercise routine as a super boost for your glute gains! A great beach peach does LOOK fantastic and help you feel confident - but did you know about all the functional advantages that having strong glutes give you? POSTURE - Having weak or underdeveloped glutes can have detrimental effects on your posture, as they are part of your body’s stabilization system. REDUCE BACK PAIN - The glutes play a major role in relieving some of the stress and pressure from your lower back. Your glutes help control the movement of the pelvis, hips, legs, and torso. The more we strengthen your glutes - the less stress and expectation is placed on the lower back to perform these duties. PERFORMANCE - Stronger glutes is essentially to allow you to walk better, jump higher, run faster, squat deeper and lift heavier SEX LIFE - Exercises that build strength and mobility in your hips, glutes, and core can improve your sex life. Having strong glutes is an integral part of your body’s overall health. Powerful glutes play a key role in how efficiently your body moves… with that in mind….
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
76 Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale QLD, Australia